Transform your everyday shower into a peaceful ritual!

In this workshop, you'll be guided to make two aromatherapy items to create a blissful shower experience. First, you'll make a shower bundle using fresh eucalyptus. Steam opens up the pores of the herbs, releasing a soothing scent. Then, you'll make a simple moisturizing shower scrub with your choice of essential oils.

Spots are limited, registration is required.

Sunday, January 19th 10 - 11 am in the Center for Rural History

$35 per person





We are passionate about making our events accessible to people of all needs and abilities. If you have any questions and/or need special accommodations, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Program fees are refundable when:

  • The acitvity is cancelled by Schumacher Farm Park
  • The participant cancels for a medical reason (a physician's note is required)
  • The participant un-enrolls 7 or more days prior to the beginning of the activity